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My Story

Growing up as a child, I can still remember when there was a sweet smell of sugar, butter, and chocolate coming from the kitchen. I would follow that smell to find my mom baking fresh chocolate chip cookies! I watched her whisk the day away, while letting me take a taste of the cookie dough as she mixed the ingredients together. And I'm sure that I can say this was true for all of us when we were little! 

But the more I hovered around her, the more that I wanted to help her and stay by her side. Once we had the cookies all baked, while eating one or two ourselves, we would give them all to our friends and family. I loved being able to put a smile on everyone's face and to help brighten their day and add something sweet.

I wanted to know more about how to bake cookies so that she didn't have to do all the work, and I wanted to be able to, one day, bake something good for her and for others to enjoy.


I learned the basics of a classic chocolate chip cookie from my mom at the age of 10. Ever since then, I would bake cookies whenever I was stressed, anxious, or needed to escape from the world.

Whenever I am in the kitchen baking, I am in my happy place. And getting to share that happiness with others by giving them cookies, always let me know that there are more positives in life than negatives. I live for the moments when I put smiles on people's faces and see them light up when they see my cookies!


As I grew up, I eventually started to work for a bakery that specialized in cookies and cookie decorating. I worked there for about two years, and I absolutely loved it!

I learned so much about baking and decorating, and I learned how to run the store. That job helped me to develop my skills to where I was always baking the day away and decorating small to large sized cookies. One of the best feelings was finishing decorated cookie cakes for customers, who had specific requests for a design or image that they wanted on the cookies, and seeing the bright smile on their faces because of a job well done. This varied from images of cartoons, to simple writing, to any other design that you can think of! And I loved every second of it!


After working there for a while, I decided that I wanted to do this for the rest of my life and wanted to start my own cookie business! So, I started getting to work on how I would get things up and running. This did take some time because I also had to have a day job to help pay for the startup costs. 

However, I now run my cookie business full time, and I am much happier being able to fully commit to growing my business.

With the help of the Nebraska Cottage Food Law, I am able to run my business out of my home! So, every cookie that I make and decorate is homemade!

And, thankfully, having both jobs at the time allowed me to start up my cookie business and to grow it enough to where I have a good customer list, to where I am able to be a vendor at events and craft fairs, and to where I am able to live my dream for the rest of my life!



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